Badlands Environment
I was in the Badlands of South Dakota in the summer of 2021, and it was a breeze. I could not believe they were called the Badlands because I liked it there even though there is no water you can drink there. I hiked across various paths, and I found interesting patterns in the mountains there. There were various hills and mountains, and they had things like cacti there. When you look at the badlands, it is quite dry, but there is plenty to look for. I hope you get to go there one day if you are interested because it is fun to hike around in places like this.
I hope you get to visit places you would like to visit, including the Badlands because it is fun to be there even if they are called the Badlands. They only call the place that because there is no water you can drink there. It is a fun place to hike though, and I got to see what prairie dogs' habitats look like there. It was also nice to see what other animals' habitats looked like there too.
I hope you get to visit a place like the Badlands one day because it is fun to look at. There are also other fun places to visit such as Denver. It was fun putting the photos in that book because I got to show you what my experience there was like.
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